The Team


After growing up in South Africa we both spent about ten years working & traveling in the UK. Daz qualified in Sports Management, Sports Science & Sports Massage Therapy at The University of Johannesburg while Lisa qualified in Occupational Therapy at Brunel University in the UK.

We have a heart to bring the love of Jesus to the disadvantaged with focus on the family unit & making disciples  We have three children, Seth, Bella & adopted Baby Rae (photo not presently allowed) and the ministry is based in Elgin Grabouw, Western Cape.

Team Thrive


Our amazing team of Staff & Volunteers who dedicate themselves to the ministry & care of our precious children & site.


We are truly blessed to have Ubi as our Site Manager.  She has 3 boys & is a valuable member of our Team, assisting us with managing all the site needs when we are away from the Mission.

The Mission
Bringing the love of Christ & His Word to the disadvantaged through Community Support, Education & Empowerment.

Lighthouse Mission was started in January 2010. We are a Non-Profit Organisation (149-969) & a registered Public Benefit Organisation governed by a Board of Directors. Our Spiritual accountability is Grabouw Community Church.

The years in Grabouw have seen many exciting changes. Two years serving at the Village of Hope, five years in Klein Begin Community establishing the educational side of the ministry & now God has blessed us with a fully functional site in the heart of the community. We currently have five Programmes: 

'Thrive', which is a state of the art Therapy Centre, where we work with children & parents to break the cycle of children with various disorders, helping them 'Thrive' as God intended.

'Thessalonian Accountability Programme' which empowers the poor to work & earn food hampers, empowering people to becoming self sufficient & a blessing to others.

'Sports & Life Skills Ministry' where we use sport as a vehicle to reach teenagers who have dropped out of school & are battling to find work & direction in their lives

Bible Study & Mentorship - We are passionate about God’s Word & empowering Christians to not only learn His ‘Special Revelation’ in context but to practice & strengthen their faith, disciple others & change lives in His strength.

'Touching Hearts & Right To Care' are two organizations that use our site to take care of the community in the fields of Ministry & nursing care. Every week over 50 nurses move through the community assisting the sick & vulnerable in various ways.

From here we have the unique ability to reach out to more people through education, family support & empowering those less fortunate through the Gospel.